It is almost fall transition time, so accessories are a MUST have statement! You can add a pop of color or some attitude to any outfit with the right handbag or crossbody bag. There are many new shades already arriving in our handbag lines. We are selling handbags in brushed teal, mauve and mustard as well as the standard brown, stone or black. Crossbody bags are very popular for trips to the grocery, concerts or amusement parks. They are lightweight and great for protecting your personal items. They make a large variety of styles and colors these and everyone should own a couple! Fanny packs have made a comeback this year and we certainly hope the trend continues as they are convenient and can be adorable with your outfit.
Jewelry is also a must have this fall 2018. Big earrings are a huge trend and absolutely can make almost any outfit rock! We have leather earrings, silver, gold, rose gold, pom and so many other super trendy fun styles to choose from.
We are super excited to get our jewelry line on the website soon and show all the cuteness. We have Good Works bracelets in many different styles and leather mixed with antique silver and inspirational sayings. We love choker necklaces and multi layer necklaces, but our best sellers are definitely the long single pendants of all varieties.
Whatever your fashion desires.... We at B'Dazzled want to make you look and feel beautiful!